Thursday, September 16, 2010

structure of agruments

"Im on my to school. I left five minutes late. Traffic is heavy. Therefore, I'll be late for class. So I might as well stop and get break fast."  This an agrument because the person is justifying why it would be okay for them to get breakfast and therefore it is an agrument. It could be a stronger agrument if they put indicators in there. Like, I'm on my way to school and will be late for class becuase the traffic is heavy. This makes it seem more of a stronger argument. The conclusion seems to be, "I might as well stop and get break fast." The other sentences seem to be facts to support the conclusion. The facts make this agrument weak though. The teacher would not accept this because of the fact that they did wake up five minutes late, it is the students fault, and if you live in the area, you should know how the traffic is and plan to wake up earlier. I think this is a good example because it shows how some of the facts or premises do not always make the conclusion strong, therefore it is not a strong argument.

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